A Greenwich, Connecticut Commercial Real Estate Company

Office Leasing ~ Retail Leasing ~ Commercial Sales
Tenant Representation ~ Investments ~ Development

one east putnam ave

New England Land Company, Ltd., a  Greenwich Connecticut Commercial Real Estate Company, was formed in 1971. The company has been responsible for over ten million square feet of leasing, sales, and development, representing nearly a quarter billion dollars of transaction value.

New England Land Company's commercial real estate activities include leasing brokerage (tenant and landlord representation), property sales, development, investment, and property management. This broad array of services, coupled with the firm's team approach to all its business, has enabled the Company to successfully coordinate and complete a wide variety of local, national, and international real estate transactions.

In addition to extensive in-house expertise, Greenwich's New England Land Company has close relations with many complimentary real estate service firms. The Company works with tenants and owners to coordinate the services of space planners, architects, engineers, attorneys, printers, and advertising firms. The Company also works closely with local, national, and international real estate firms to provide the maximum level of marketing exposure for all properties represented.



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Corporate Headquarters
135 East Putnam Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830

email: info@newenglandlandcommercial.com
website: www.

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